Wednesday, July 2, 2014

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Samsung to Donate $3M to Charities Chosen By Ellen

Recently Twitter blew up thanks to selfie taken at the Oscars.  The selfie was seen all over the world, and it was retweeted 3million times. Ellen DeGeneres the host of the 86th Academy Awards took an opportunity and gathered the film industry’s biggest stars for a selfie that broke Twitter- and that helped to clarify which social media platform won the night.

Whether it was planned or not, Twitter was a constant presence throughout the entire Academy Awards. Degeneres promised she would be tweeting throughout the night.  Her tweets were retweeted between 26,000 to 170,000 times, which makes sense since there were about 1 billion people watching their televisions during the show. According to Twitter there were more than 14.7 million Oscar telecast-related tweets during the live show.

Ellen definitely knows how to work the system. Degeneres was constantly pulling out her Samsung Galaxy Note 3 during the Oscar telecast to take selfies. Some people cried out product placement foul, but I choose to think otherwise.

Today on her post-Oscar live episode of “The Ellen Degeneres Show”, Ellen shared that Samsung was, in fact, donating $3 million to charity since they’d gotten so much exposure at the Oscars. Ellen is going to divide up the money between St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Humane Society of the United States.

So folks, I guess the message is, a lot of retweets can equal to a lot of donated money. Stay classy Ellen.

By Marla Fong

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy teaser

Marvel’s first teaser for Guardians of the Galaxy’ on YouTube

Guardians of the Galaxy is Marvel’s next franchise to make the jump to film, and now you can check out the movie teaser on YouTube. The 15- second spot doesn’t reveal much, but you can get a feeling for the new film’s look and feel. This film is based on the cult comic book and continues to explore the Marvel Universe in a different way. For all you Vin Diesel fans out there, you will get to see him play a mystical tree. The movie also stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, and Bradley Cooper voicing a genetically engineered raccoon.  This movie does not look as intense as the other Marvel movies we’ve seen, but it is due to hit theaters on August 1st.  It looks to me as if Guardians of the Galaxy will have a bit of drama, humor, and action in it.

The movie takes place in the far reaches of space, an American pilot named Peter Quill (Pratt) finds himself the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan. In order to escape Ronan, Quill is forced into a truce with a group of misfits including Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Rocket, Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), and Groot.  Later, once Quill discovers the true power of the Orb, he will have to have to battle his enemies-with the state of the galaxy’s fate in the balance.

The first trailer will be in the theaters Friday and premieres on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live on Tuesday night (11:35ET/PT), with a special intro by Chris Pratt.

-by Marla Fong

Monday, February 10, 2014

Social Media Can Help Teens

Unnecessary moral panic starts at every turn these days and it takes nothing more than a random article or a flash of an edited out of context video clip on the 5 o'clock news to get viewers quickly jumping on the band wagon in a frantic frenzy to control the unknown. Frankly, its surprising how much can be exaggerated at every turn with little to no proof. The game of telephone between humans often called fatalists feed never ending cycles of madness that seem to increase as technology (and our lifestyle) changes to provide us with easier access to resources unavailable to the past generation.

The most prevalent target of these moral panics? Why, the "anti-social youth of america" and their "technological addiction" of course!
With the current 9% unemployment rate (worst than the great depression with 6%) and over 50% of young adults unable to afford college or get adequate student loan money. Families everywhere are having to deal with new problematical situations like "boomerang kids" and even their own bankruptcy as a result of a failed economy. Yet the older generation expect teenagers to put their value in the same level of education when they see a homeless man on the cold streets holding a sign that says "I have a doctorates degree, will work for food and shelter".

Those from under privileged or from low income and struggling families express a far greater concern for strong social connections, as not only a means for future survival in an uncertain world, but as a coping mechanism during the emotional turmoil that such a life inevitably presents.

This is not to say that all have turned a blind eye to the obvious plight of today's youth. But unfortunately too many are quick to create an easy scapegoat out of this generation's "obsession" with daily expression and communication, for every unrelated issue that they can stretch towards it.

Opposing popular belief, recent studies in publications like CNN and LA Times have shown social media and its constant IM's and "instagrams" to have had a positive influence rather than a negative. It has created up and coming adults who are actually better at socializing in person and have healthier mindset offline than those who do not tweet and text. The activities thought to create hermits and basement dwellers who shirk reality, instead transferred over into more extensive face to face conversational skills, helping teens connect and relate while grasping their own individuality, sense of self, and security in relationships.

The concern of privacy protection is becoming less of an issue as customized safety settings and privacy locks become more secure and commonly used, allowing only friends to view pages and posts.

Even aside from cyber bullies, let us not forget how many suicides have been prevented with increased human connection online. Researchers at Brigham Young University found that teens and adults normally afraid to come out with their depression, suicidal tendencies, and thoughts of self harm were able to reach out for help on facebook or twitter, receiving positive life saving responses of care and empathy in return. Simple posts asking users to "tag a friend you love" or "pass on to someone to you can't live without" give hope to those who would otherwise feel isolated.

As history has shown in its repetitive cycle, advances in human knowledge and ability have and will always be met with fear by those who do not understand it. At one time woman who practiced herbal medicine were burned at the stake for being witches, and scientists were imprisoned for having the audacity to believe the earth could orbit around the sun or be anything other than flat.

Today our world continues to face consequences of persecution for those who dare to go forward with a new way of thinking and living. But history repeats. And we always end up looking back, amazed at the ridiculous things we worried about in the past.

By Angelina Paige

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII

So Who Watched Super Bowl XLVIII?

According to Nielsen, the game averaged 111.5 million viewers, a record for a U.S. television program, according to Fox, which broadcasted the game.

More than 79,000 spectators were set to fill the $.1.7 billion MetLife Stadium, the regular-season home of the New York Jets and New York Giants, for the National Football League title game.

The game did lack some suspense, and at the point where Denver was down 36-0, a lot of viewers stopped watching the game completely.

Denver accounted for only the tenth-best market in the United States, a statistic that could indicate that Broncos fans turned off the game as the score grew insanely lopsided, according to the Nielson overnight ratings.

The Super Bowl half time show, featuring Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, attracted about 115.3 million viewers, Fox said, topping last year’s game.

Even though my team wasn’t playing in the Super Bowl, I still decided to watch the game, and cheer on the Denver Broncos. I have always been a big fan of the Manning brothers, so I had to cheer on big brother Peyton. The game did not start off too well for Denver, which gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. In my head I thought, “Oh no, they might not be able to get over this.” And, yes they didn’t.

The Seattle Seahawks dominated and owned the game. From the first quarter, to the last, it was Seattle all day. The game became painful to watch, as you us as viewers kept watching the Broncos being overpowered by the strong defense of Seattle.  Peyton Manning was not able to do anything until the 3rd quarter, and by then, it was a bit too late to make a comeback.  Manning did have 34 completions, but the two interceptions hurt him and his team’s chances to change their fate. Unfortunately, the Broncos were murdered out there on the field, with their flaws out there for the whole world to see. Denver just never seemed to get their mojo going.  Even before the game was over, you were already feeling bad for the Denver Broncos.

By Marla Fong

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Interview with Andrew Jacobs, star of 'Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones'

Since 2007 the Paranormal Activity movies have had a four year long stretch that has been wildly successful in gaining a huge fan base with its thrilling "found footage style" horror film series. Starring in the newest continuation "Paranormal Activity- The Marked Ones" is Andrew Jacobs playing the role of the main character Jesse, a recent graduate living at home with a tight-knit family in inner city Los Angeles. 

"I don't think it was (aimed) just at Los Angeles," Jacobs commented when asked about the films demographic  "I think it was supposed to just be about two friends and having it start off with that romantic comedy know with getting girls and parties. It was supposed to show the pattern of events between two friends. With the story line you could be anywhere around the world, in India even, wherever. And with that kind of close relationships between people that's how it would play out."

As a fan of the series and a ghost geek myself I couldn't help but ask if anything supernatural actually did happen on set. Though he confirmed that nothing had, Jacobs did describe to me some of creepy locations used for filming having a certain "energy" surrounding them, including one actually owned by a "witch".

Social networks have blown up with viewer commentary since the release of "The Marked Ones", and some fans expressed a confusion over why certain questions from the previous films were not answered or given a sense of closure. But the young actor had a more positive insight on the subject. The Marked ones was in fact not a "sequel" per say.

"There's definitely gonna be more (movies)." said Jacobs, "I'm pretty sure they're coming out with a fifth one on October 24th or 25th.... Unfortunately the 4th one wasn't the greatest and was causing paranormal fans to lose hope. So with "The Marked Ones" it just gives it a whole different direction to go in and even a possible series. It really opens up a lot of doors."

With even more suspense now built upon a story shrouded in so much shadow and constantly adding mystery, we can only hope that things are going to get much more intense with what lies in store.

In reaching out to his fans at the end of our interview. Jacobs opened up on a personal level, mentioning his own life struggles in  being adopted, dealing with gang violence, and trying to rise above to get a chance at a better life. Jacobs encourages other aspiring talents to keep the faith and persevere.

"I had to work through a lot...... So if I was to tell them anything, it would be to just live your dream and do something you love through it (all)."

For more information on Andrew Jacobs and Paranormal Activity- the Marked Ones, you can follow him on facebook and twitter @imandrewjacobs.

By Angelina Paige

Friday, January 24, 2014

Sherlock Lives!

Sherlock Lives, no folks, he is not dead. We have waited two years to find out whether Sherlock was dead or alive. The loyal Sherlock fans had to wait two years, and two years is a long time. I don’t think anyone should have to wait that long for a TV show, especially a show like Sherlock which left us with quite the cliffhanger.  Nevertheless, Sherlock has risen from the dead, and has made it back just in time to stop a terrorist attack.

The season premiere picks up two years after Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) faked his own death, leaving his dear friend Watson to believe he was really gone for good. Holmes’ brother Mycroft urges Sherlock to head back to London because a terror attack is about to take place in London.  The title of the new 90-minute episode is “The Empty Hearse.” A lot has happened since Sherlock supposedly leapt from a building to his death. For John Watson (Martin Freeman), he has settled into his job, grown a mustache, and is engaged to be married.

In this 90-minute episode the characters play a lot of catch up. We learn how Sherlock’s supposed death have affected everyone. We also find out some have moved on a great deal in two years, while others not so much.  The dialogue between Holmes and Watson remains brilliant as always, and their bro-mance is ever more prevalent at the series goes on.  The minute the two of them enter the screen in the beginning restaurant scene just proves how much the pair has missed each other. Watson swatting at Sherlock over and over, and hitting him was just hilarious.  Sherlock continues to play it cool throughout the episode, and pretends that he has not missed his friend much at all. But, us as viewers know the truth.

The Empty Hearse left more questions yet to be answered. For example, how did the person on the subway car disappear? Who drugged Watson, and why? We watch, as John Watson almost becomes part of a bonfire. Was the terrorist attack really stopped? Is there more to the story?  This episode was mainly an introduction to the characters, and more of a season opener than a stand-alone episode. We can only assume that there is much more to come.

by Marla Fong

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Uninvited Wedding Guest

When I was fourteen years old, I picked up the hobby of photography and began putting my profession portfolio together in hopes to start a career later on. I was quickly able to bring attention to my art and gain clients. In the summer of 2008, one of my cousins asked if I would be the photographer at her wedding. The ceremony would be held at the old Silent Movie Theatre on Fairfax Avenue in Hollywood. Growing up in Los Angeles, I hadn't thought to look up the history of the place, as I assumed it to be just another novelty of the movie tourism appeal. Little did I know that I was walking into a location well known to still be the home of two of the previous owners, and possibly others. 

Opened in 1945 by the first owner, John Hampton, he lived in the attached upper floor apartment with his wife before death. In bringing back to life the black and white films he treasured so dearly, he paid the ultimate price with his life, from the deadly toxins used in his at home bathtub experiments, necessary for their restoration. He was diagnosed with cancer in 1970 and later died in 1990. Lawrence Austin was quick to take over but didn't last long as he was shot and killed during a show in 1997. 

As somewhat of a recent horror tale, sightings of full body apparitions have been spotted by a few (including the new owner Charlie Lustman), but it may take a few more years before it becomes as famous as some other attractions in the downtown area. I didn't expect much when I walked under the Vine covered outside announcement board, but as soon as I entered the lobby, I felt as though I had walked into a dark pit of a sadness. Even with the lights turned on, the room could not be illuminated. It was as if the eyes of movie stars past were silently observing me from their places in frames on the walls. I had begun to take pictures from the moment I had arrived, but each one was coming out blurred and distorted, no matter the settings on my camera.

Going up the winding staircase, my cousin was using the apartment quarters as a bridal dressing room. All of the bride’s maids fluttered around her in a mad rush to put on her dress and make up. It was not the usual air of happiness that inhabited a room of woman before a wedding. The room was still filled with the old fashion love seats, clothing, and paraphernalia of the previous owners. A full length antique mirror on the far side of the room seemed to be a emitting a cold air from it. I continued to snap pictures while trying desperate not to look, as a sense of dread overwhelmed me. Against my efforts, it was impossible not to notice the woman in the mirror, blonde hair in a neat bun, and a long pink gown. Her expressionless face just stared. I quickly rushed downstairs and told no one of the situation not wanting to risk ruining the wedding.

The rest of the ceremony went as planned, though all the pictures came out with strange orbs and colorful wisps of light behind the guests. I have found no written account of who the woman in the mirror may have been. But if you’re ever in Hollywood around Halloween, maybe you should visit. It is said to be the spirits’ favorite night.

By Angelina Paige

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Weeping Woman

Los Angeles, California, the heart of several of America's most chilling legends and ghost stories. Among the most popular, the Latin folk lore of "La Llorona", literally translated in English as "The Weeping Woman". Legend has it she was once a beautiful woman named Maria who was quite fond of her own beauty and believed that as a result she could have any man she chose. Maria found a handsome "Ranchero" (or Rancher) named Marcos whom she married (though the names differ depending on culture groups). Their two children, she later blamed unfairly for her husband’s infidelity. 

Some say it was in a fit of rage and despair that she drowned her babies in a nearby river, while others say she was not sane and did so only to spite Marcos. Though she took her own life in immediate regret, it was too late. Maria was not allowed in at the gates of heaven when she could not say where her lost children were. And so she was cursed to walk the earth in a state of limbo until she could find their souls.

For hundreds of years, numerous variations of her sad tale have been told, but her famous cry of "mis hijos" (translated; my children) gave her the frightening Spanish nickname of La Llorona. Although several Los Angelinos claim to have witnessed her haunting Echo Park Lake as far back as the 1960's, the sightings stretch far and wide across the states and beyond. 

It has retained an air of mystery to the legends origin, as she has been known to linger around any body of water she can find. 

Perhaps she cannot remember where she performed the murders, or her children passed on peacefully without their mother as punishment for her wretched deeds. If you grew up in LA, you were very likely told this story by one of your older relatives as a warning to stay inside at night, unless you wanted La Llorona to find you and take you by mistake for one of her own.

One witness, told me about a well-remembered story of his father, Francisco Segura, and the terrifying run in he experienced with her ghost in Michoacan Mexico near La Angostura in the 1930's. Being told that that La Llorona would always come out at 11pm, Segura and some friends attempted to prove their bravery by finding her only to be chased away by the "floating woman screaming and crying, for her kids, with fire in her mouth". 

This added detail was not unheard of in Mexico, as another known traveler of the 1930s had once said he too had seen a woman of similar description while in the woods. Asking if she was alright, he and his horse were scared half to death when she turned around, revealing her identity and breathing out fire.

As legend grows and curious minds search deeper for a meaning, people very commonly reference back to the Aztecs in Tenochtitlan, saying that La Llorona was based off a story of their goddess who wanted to warn her children of wars and destruction to come. 

For the skeptics, the story is just that. Simply a result of years and years of Hispanic culture, weaving together a tapestry of their own imagination, creating a way to make life a little more interesting as we all do once in a while. 

But the sightings of the wailing phantom grow every year, as do those brave souls willing to face the terrors of the night waters, and see if La Llorona can make them scream.

by Angelina Paige

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