Often when tragedies happen on a large scale there is some sort of fund set up. Usually the funds are set up through the families of the victim(s) or some other organization. Unfortunately, out of good intentions bad things sometimes happen. Either fraudulent charities are created to extract money from well-meaning donors or ill-intentioned individuals attempt to extract funds from well-meaning charities. It happened with 9/11, the Aurura, Colorado movie theater shooting, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, etc.
On Tuesday, Boston native 22 year-old Branden Mattier was arrested due to a false bombing claim. He attempted to file a claim on behalf of his aunt Onevia Bradley who had been dead for 10 years. An officer arrived at his door with a check and when he accepted the $2.195 million dollar check, he was arrested on grand larceny charges. For the false boming claim he is now being held on $30,000 bail.
Disgust does not begin to describe how I feel about people like this. When you have victims who are still in mourning over the loss of loved ones try to capitalize off of them, there is no justice swift enough for them. What sort of person could look at themself in the mirror everyday and do these sorts of things? His bail was way too low for making a false bombing claim. For claims of this nature whether it be false bombing claims or false shooting claims the victims should have a say in everything in the case from beginning to end.
Wouldn't it be great to have victim's families decide how much bail should be or have input regarding jury deliberations (other than merely taking the stand of course)? When scam attempt to defraud those who really may need the money due to the loss of their family member, be it funeral expenses or helping to make ends meet, they do not deserve to be called human.
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