Thursday, July 25, 2013

Personal Demonic Experience


The time was 1:30-2:00 am when I first felt the negative entity pushing upon me in our living room. I had been ill and was sleeping in the chair to avoid lying flat. I was unable to breathe if I was flat on a bed. I saw the demon with my eyes. It was standing near the stationary bike then I saw it in the hallway. It just stared back at me with it dark hallow eyes. It was black all over and had horns protruding from its head. I could sense what it was capable of. It could have killed me. I also heard it speak to me using telepathy.

I feared this thing and didn’t know what to do when it attempted to get inside me. It was able to accomplish this task and I felt some of what it knew. The evil this demon possessed was incredible. I felt as it came from the state of Conn. It never told me its name, I just knew. The presence of this negative entity was overwhelming. It could smell my fear and it told me so. I was able to push it out of me by rehashing what I knew about the church. I called upon God, Jesus, the angels, especially St. Michael.

After St. Michael came, he realized that I was in need of his help and he surrounded me with more angels—actually hundreds of them and they pushed this entity out of my house. The only thing I can say is that it looked like a bunch of marshmallows pushing out a piece of crap. I was so relieved to know that it was gone.

This entire ordeal when on for hours because I finally fell asleep for a short time until morning came. When my husband woke, he told me that something had its hand over his mouth and sat on him. He told the being to F--- Off and it left him alone. Instead, it wanted to come after me. I found it within myself to fight it off even though I had Nightquil in my body because of my illness. I was still able to keep it from completely entering me. Remnants of this negative entity remained in our home for a few hours afterwards.

I felt that this was a test for me from God. I knew that I brought this thing into my home, but why, I still do not know or understand. I am wiser and now know that these things can and will physically harm us. I now possess a greater respect for what God deals with daily.

This taught me to think positive thoughts instead of rooting upon the negative!
 ~Candy O'Donnell


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