Friday, July 19, 2013

Clearing with the sun's energy

We have all been in need of clearing our energy after enduring a rough conversation or watching a horror flick; each of these are difficult to shake or forget. These energies tend to stay with us for the long run. They grab hold and refuse to let go. These kinds of energies penetrate our very soul when we hang on to them and don’t clear them deliberately, purposefully.

I have discovered that after a harsh day at work I need rid my body of the thick, tension that I consider unhealthy. It is wise to find ways of letting go or releasing the stress that builds up after each day, besides exercise, the sun is helpful in many ways. Some people take salt water baths with sea salt or they might toss in their favorite herbs, while others go and stand in the sun.

The sun is the perfect clearing device for everyone. It not only provides our skin with vitamin D, but it helps to vanish whatever energies are unwanted by our bodies. The sun is the perfect meditation when used correctly.

When people think of the sun, they mull over sunbathing, swimming, or growing plants. It also assists our body in getting rid of the harmful efforts that continue to plague our bodies throughout our lives. The sun is in reality, a healing source. It was revered by many ancient peoples and today, it is our main source of light and in many parts of the world, it helps to make electricity.

Light has been known to heal old wounds and to encourage energetic healing within, if the person’s belief systems are directed correctly down that path. When light is shined upon the body, it reacts in many varied ways. It wants to heal itself. The body has a basic need to heal. When injured the skin goes to work immediately to reclaim the area damaged by forming a perfect seal to ensure it heals properly, and the sun enables our energetic bodies to heal in the same fashion.

After observing horrific images one can go outside and stand in the sun for a few minutes and ask for the healing to begin. The warmth dives deep within our cells and circulates throughout our body as healing is performed to melt the visions of what we swallowed with our eyes. It is not an easy task to clear what was seen, but it is possible if you believe in it 100%.

After I sprained my ankle when I was twelve I sat in the sun reading quite a lot; what else could I do? The sun enabled me to not only bring me out of my funk it also encouraged my ankle to heal faster. Instead of enduring the pain that would have significantly brought down my mood, the sun lifted me to new heights. Always thank the sun for any healing. It does it naturally and without permission.

I enjoy a day out like anyone else, and beware that the sun can seduce you into believing it is cooler than it really is. When dehydration takes place, you know that you have spent too much time in the sun. Drink plenty of water and utilize the sun’s healing ability sparingly to induce healing.

Candy O’Donnell


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