Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Talking 2 Animals

talking to animals, ghosts, paranormal, cats and dogs

We have all talked to animals at one time or another. And many of us wonder what they are thinking. Whether we are at home or on a walk with our dogs we wonder, do they really listen?
Animal Communication has come into its own within the last thirty or so years, and yielded positive results. When one learns how to talk with the animals it takes patience, perseverance, and lots of confidence. Not everyone succeeded on the first try.

Humans need to have a calm mind and an open heart whenever communicating with animals telepathically. Meditation can help quiet our monkey minds and although not all humans gain a thorough understanding of this silent communication at first, just keep at it, you will eventually get it. It just takes practice.
When I first learned how to talk to the animals, I was just a child, but we soon forget once society informs us that we cannot or should not do that. I took a few courses and regained my telepathic speech once again. Elation was the word I used when I succeeded on the first try. Not to say that I did not have confidence issues, I did.

There are so many wonderful books by authors such as Marta Williams that walk humans through the communication process. “Learning Their Language” was the best book I read by her and it allowed me to relearn without judgment and without criticism. It was easy to absorb and fun too. Once you study this ancient way of communication, the rest of it falls into place. Telepathy will come so easy for you that your animals will not only chat away about their lives, but you will gain a better understanding of what they are experiencing. If they are ill, ask them what is wrong. If they want a different food, ask what they like and don’t like. It’s as easy as that.

I have a cat that talks all the time, silently. There are days that she is quiet and does cat things—then there are the chatty times when I have to tell her that I many other things to do, after I listen to her, of course. Her name is Ruffles and she came to me when she was one day old. This cat could purr at that age and she took to a bottle very quickly. Our Veterinarian was taken by surprise that one so young could actually purr. We connected immediately and to this day we still have a great relationship.

Are you still not convinced? Try it for yourself. Dogs seem to be the easiest to talk to. They are open and happy to share their day with you. Do they need a new ball or a new dish or perhaps a blanket to snuggle with? You have to use your imagination—remember the one that you used when you were a child? Yeah, that is the one and it just wasn’t your imagination—it was real.

I could talk to the bees, flies, dogs, cats, birds, etc. Today is no different. We have two dogs, two cats, and three birds and I have held unique conversations with each. You never know, maybe your animal has something to share with you.

PsychicMedium Candy O’Donnell

Psychic Paranormal


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