Thursday, August 15, 2013

Different Perspectives

Whenever you step into a room and observe two people talking, what are the first words that come to mind? "What are they discussing or are they talking about you?" The perspective that needs to be viewed first is, there are two people communicating ideas and thoughts. That is a good thing.
View the two being in a different light for once. When we can see things differently then the mind opens up and understands a larger world view. See things from a child's eye. Does it differ from yours? Of course it does veer off onto a new path where new ideas form every second. Be the child for once or perhaps the elderly person that has seen many perspectives during their lifetime.

Different perspectives can accomplish much in this ever changing world. There are many people with closed minds nowadays that cannot see anything past their nose. Finding out that there are other views on the same subject can be challenging to your world view, but keep an open mind and observe rather than judge. When judgment comes into the situation, scattering of minds take place.

Whenever I work with people of various backgrounds, I keep my aura and mind open as a child would with any new adventure. This newness can be quite enthralling and interesting. Always ask the correct questions when working with anyone energetically or socially. And try not to judge their attire, their personality or anything else. We do not know what they've been through.

 "View the mountain from a different perspective" This can make all the difference in the world to someone new to your community. I close my eyes and let go of whatever opinion is within and see the person for who they really are, and not what I am viewing.

The guru's mind is always open to interpretation and he/she never stays in one thought for long. They wish to experience many either at the same time or at differing times. Be open to other's roles and interests, that is what higher energies are all about. They honor those holding space in the lower vibrations, and discuss what can be achieved, they never use force. It does not work. Only with love does anything conversation go anywhere. If the person is not ready to move forward from their situation allow them to live in it and walk away. It is their perspective, not yours.

~Psychic Candy O'Donnell


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