Friday, June 28, 2013

Connecting with Angels

Many believe that angels exist and mingle with humans daily, assisting whenever and where ever they are needed. These divine beings are not only prayed to but are asked to perform miracles when we humans are in need of one. “If you listen closely, you can hear their wings.”

A strong belief in angels varies from culture to culture and society to society. They are divine beings that come to us in dreary times in during pleasant occasions. But do angels really exist? The word angel is from Medieval Latin. The masculine name Angelus derived from the name of this heavenly creature. It comes from the Greek word angelos and means "messenger". These “messengers” bring good tidings and warnings whenever it is warranted.

Angels are depicted as extraordinarily tall beings with long of medium length hair, either male or female, and wear long white robes with a golden or silver robe-belt. Not all angels appear the same way to us humans. They seem to differ according to each situation. A hitch-hiker for example might be an angel in disguise that wishes to relay a message from the afterlife. Or perhaps a child sees angels and can communicate what is being said by them.

Each instance is considered a miracle by some and divine to others. In either case angels can confer with humans at any level. Humans with heightened abilities sense when they are around and listen to their kind words. Some believe that angels are an extension of God and only come when they are called. Whatever you believe, angels are all around us even if you cannot see them.

My personal belief is that angels are always available to us in every situation and in every part of the world. They hear our call and will come in our time of need. The Archangels that are called upon the most are Michael, Metatron, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. They are asked to provide guidance, protection, and healing. Each angel has their own unique way of communicating and offering themselves for the higher good.
Sometimes I feel the angels surrounding me whenever I am asking them to heal the person I am with or working on energetically. I can actually feel their energy and hear their words telepathically. It’s amazing when they hit on immediate issues that the person needs to hear. St. Michael is the main Archangel I work with and his energy and kind demeanor always points me in the correct direction of how to work with each individual.

Michael is also the most called upon Archangel out there and his love, understanding, and tolerance is sought for those needing protection. He loves children and is always there for them whenever they are afraid. His energy is very strong and one can feel when he is around. During a healing he speaks to me and through me. It is incredible the way his gentleness points out what needs to be immediately addressed.

Call upon an Archangel if you feel any negativity circling around you and it will be removed if you concentrate on positive thoughts. Keep a good attitude about life and life will respond with like kind. This is how energy works. The waves exuding from you go out into the world and others will send back the same vibration so call upon the angels for guidance and they will be happy to assist at any given moment.

~ PsychicMedium Candy O’Donnell

Psychic Paranormal

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Michael Jackson: The man..the legend

On the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, many fans gathered outside of his place of rest in Glendale. Despite his death being over four years ago, many people still look upon him with fond memories. Despite his checkered image, nothing has taken away his true fans or overshadowed his talent.

From a little shack in Gary, Indiana..a legend was born. What began as backing up his singing alongside his brothers quickly became the newest sensation 'The Jackson 5'. The groups most notable songs included 'ABC' and 'I'll be there'. The group performed under Motown initially but after a decline of sales moved to Epic records under 'The Jacksons'. It was at that time that Randy joined the group and Jermaine stayed behind at 'Motown'. 'The Jacksons' went on to tour around the world and produce several hits.

Michael Jackson's father Joe Jackson had beaten all of his children, I am assuming because he wanted them to make something of themselves since he was not able to. He has in his mind that his children would not have to struggle the way he did. However, even though his children (especially Michael) became famous, one must ask themselves "At what cost?".

Eventually Michael Jackson went on to create his first solo album 'Off the Wall' which broke history when it was the first solo album to produce four "Top Ten" hits. 'Off the Wall went on to sell over twenty-million copies worldwide. In 1982, he broke several records and released another worldwide, top-selling album (Including several 'Billboard' records alone), which is still enjoyed by many today 'Thriller'.

In 1984 Michael's hair caught on fire while filming a 'Pepsi' commercial. Some contend that this is when he started obsessing with his looks. However, I believe this had more to do with his father than anything. Jackson underwent numerous surgeries shortly after. From 1986 to 1993, he released several great albums including 'Bad' and 'Dangerous'.

Despite numerous rumors being circulated before, in 1993 the worst of all allegations began: child molestation. Jordan Chandler, a boy who reportedly visited 'Neverlans Ranch' alleged that he had seen several parts of Michael Jackson's body nude and was able to descibe certain blemishes. However, some of the information proved to be inaccurate. Police and courts record alleged that several searches of himself and his estate produced illicit material including child pornography and the like. The investigation was later deemed "inconclusive". Although the case was settles, no charges were ever filed against the singer. This would lead

The boy's father was tape recorded saying that he wanted to destroy Jackson's career, which Jackson later argues that the family only wanted to extort money. The boy's mother denied any wrongdoing on Jackson's part as well. The singer's reputation was forever tarnished. He went on to produce many more hits (and even a few children: Prince, 16, Paris, 14, and Blanket, 11, who all have the Name Michael in their names as well).

At the beginning of 2009, Michael Jackson announced a group of comeback tours entitles 'This is It'. Although he it never full came to fruition, there was a movie that chronicled his rehearsals and videos for the tour. Even though he has been the subject of several lawsuits, jokes, etc. nothing can take away from his talents and record-breaking achievements.

What many people do not realize is how much of a humanitarian Michael Jackson was. He regularly contributed to over 39 charities including: Angel Food, Childhelp U.S.A., Make-A-Wish Foundation, Community Youth Sports & Arts Foundation, Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles, Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation, and much more! Michael Jackson was a lover of people and of the world. He recorded 'Earth Song' which is about humanity and the world's well-being.

After Michael Jackson's death in 2009 in LA (allegedly by Dr. Conrad Murray), his albums sold more than 30 million albums worldwide. people clamored to get more information and even crashed some websites including TMZ. Although he endured physical and emotional trauma from his father, and endured several allegations of mistreatment and drug use, Michael Jackson went "all the way to the top"!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Does Miley Cyrus support marijuana use?

There is a commonly-held belief that only alcohol is safe to consume. However, this view is becoming challenged more and more everyday. As opposed to giving you my view on the matter, I will present you with the facts and you may come to your own conclusion. Please be aware that ANY substance whether legal or illegal comes with its own risks. While some have higher risks than others, it is important to understand that NO substance should be taken lightly.

Recently, Miley Cyrus made the claim that marijuana is safer than alcohol. Ms. Cyrus has certainly come a long way from the innocent Hannah Montana character on Nick. While she did not go into extreme detail, she explained that she has seen others' lives spiral downhill with alcohol but not marijuana. When considering the thought-process behind statements like this, consider the following:

According to the CDC, some of the alcohol-related health risks include: violence, child neglect, miscarriage, birth defects, heart-attacks, risky sexual behavior, alcohol poisoning, vehicle-related deaths, miscarriage, throat cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, and other cancers. The list goes on and on. Almost thirty people die every day due to alcohol use. To be fair, it is estimated that eighteen percent of motor vehicle-related deaths could be attributed to other substances used in conjunction with alcohol (including marijuana).
In 2009, over 24,000 people suffered alcohol-related deaths.

While over 34,000 people died from drug use (legally prescribed and illegal), I could find no concrete data on marijuana-related deaths. Most deaths in the US are coded so there are infinite ways to quantify data. However, it was not difficult to find pages of alcohol-related injuries and deaths but nearly impossible to find any deaths related to marijuana usage (unless it was combined with alcohol or some other drug statistic).

When you look at the numbers, the most staggering  numbers are not just related to recreational substances, but prescribed medicines. According to, the number of prescription-related deaths was over 22,000. According to the CDC 100 people in the US die each day from drug overdose (some may have been combined with other drugs like heroin).

Many people use marijuana as a way to cope with illness. I have never heard of alcohol being used in a medical fashion. To be clear though, marijuana does have its drawbacks like any other mood-altering substance. It may cause slow reaction time, paranoia, etc. Some critics call it a "gateway drug" and content that it can lead to heavier drug use. According to the Huffington Post, there was a study done on a possible drop in IQ in those who regularly used the drug before the age of 18.

In 1994 there was a study done in Tennessee where out of almost 180 motorists stopped for reckless driving, almost half tested positive for marijuana. In addition, marijuana stays in the system for several hours and like any potentially-dangerous substance, it is not safe to operate any type of machinery while under the influence, especially when things like reaction time, reasoning, and judgment are impaired.

Whatever peoples' reasons, theoretically the case could be made for banning any dangerous substance especially when it could potentially put your life or others' lives at risk. While Miley Cyrus seems to lean more toward the notion that marijuana is safer, it is important that you do your own research and have an informed opinion.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Assisting Psychic Children

Today’s psychic child knows that if their parents are psychic their stories are believed. Those children feel comfortable about informing their parents whenever they see, hear, or feel anything out of the ordinary or of the paranormal kind. But what if a child has parents that are not tolerant of their child’s sixth sense? These children will suffer when they feel frightened of what they see and cannot turn to their parents for support.
I was one of these children growing up, fearing what I saw and sensed. This is not the way a child should grow up. Inside I felt alone and knew that if I told others I would be put down or shunned because of who I was on the inside. This second sight, as it is termed does not disappear when the child is of a certain age—they do not “grow out of it”.

Teenagers seem to have the toughest time with their spiritual intuition. It can creep up at any moment without notice and take the teen by surprise. The best way to deal with your psychic child is to talk with them. Have in-depth discussions about what they see and hear and when these occurrences take place. Many times the child knows when “the frightening time” is near.

The best way for parents to remedy their child’s fear is to be there for them and never put them down. Verbal punishments can make what they see more horrid and unbearable. Take careful notes and verify with research. This is the only way to capture what is really terrifying the child. After intensive investigation into what is really affecting the child, even after normal household bumps and creaks have been found, keep in mind that psychic children know what is real and what is the settling of the house. They are psychic, after all.

Growing up, there was a spirit party in my room every night and there was nothing I could do about it. The ghosts of those that had passed were not going to leave no matter how much fear I felt. Whenever I covered my head with a blanket, it was only a temporary fix. Having siblings does not help either. They assist only if they are going through what the psychic child is enduring. My sister always told me how stupid I was for talking about what I saw.

Although my visions never disappeared, I eventually found refuge in others who suffered as children as well. I have discussed why I see these things and have come to an understanding that some people are just more sensitive than others when it comes to energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed and those with heightened sensitivities feel them whenever they enter a place where elevated emotions or tragedies took place.

Patience and understanding is what it takes for parents to prepare themselves for their psychic child. If the child finds another like them, and they will, feel blessed when they come to a mutual understanding together. They might even feed off each other and cause further turmoil. Seek the assistance of a professional that has knowledge of what they are enduring. It will not only help slow down or halt their fears, but they will find common ground where they can discuss in greater detail what is going on with them. But always remember to stay calm because sensitive children can feel your anxiety.

Psychic Medium Candy O’Donnell has helped countless psychic children understand why they are sensitives and how to deal with their heightened abilities.

Candy O’Donnell

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Why did Lil' Wayne trample the American flag?

Lil' Wayne's recent rant has not gone unnoticed. The rap star allegedly trampled the American flag. While he may have just done this to express his views, it was most certainly construed as ignorant and anti-American. There are many people who are fed up with the way things have been in this country for a long time (particularly those in disadvantaged neighborhoods). However, doing something like this may not help one's cause.

When we look at American history, many have spoken out against the status quo concerning government. Celebrities often lead the charge against injustice and inequality. From rock stars, to movie stars, to rappers; many speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Since celebrities have millions of listening ears and watchful eyes, they can be very effective vehicles for social change.

Usually, it is done tastefully but sometimes not so much. Maybe Lil' Wayne should have gone about things a bit differently. Many people do not know that Lil' Wayne actually has charities that help under privileged youth. He has several other charitable causes as well. While his only intention may have been to speak out against injustice, he may have just created more enemies for himself.

Lil' Wayne's lyrics also did not help. Although he tried to explain away the trampling of our flag, he could not explain away his lyrics. Hopefully all of the charitable work that he has done is not overshadowed by this seemingly callous and disrespectful act.

There are people who look at this as disrespectful to more that just America itself, but to a husband who died in Iraq, or a baby who will never meet his dad because he was deployed to and died is Afghanistan. What about all who lost their lives on 9/11? There is certainly nothing wrong for speaking up for what you believe in as long as you don't hurt the very people you are speaking for..the people.

Star Trek Tech

Photo courtesy of:
Konrad Summers

Move over Star Trek, the future isn’t just for “Trekkies” anymore. Remember when you used to see such cool gadgets on Star Trek? Well, it looks like there are many things in the sci-fi world that have become a reality. From Bluetooth headsets to Apple Ipads (seem trekkish to you?), we have certainly come a long way with regard to technology and innovation.

Recently, Google has really stepped it up with thing such as: Android, driverless cars, and now: Google Glass. Google Glass is one of the most innovative gadgets yet. Google Glass is a mini-computer embedded within a headset. Although the headset does not have any lenses in them at the moment. Google is in talks with sunglasses companies and will possibly implement them in the future.

At first glance, the device seems that it would be a cool novelty. However, people would have to be careful. For instance, I would not suggest wearing them in the street (some people cannot walk and chew bubble gum) while walking. Another concern is the drivers. People would not be able to wear Google Glass and see the road properly. In addition, they would not be able to fully concentrate on the road. Some people have a hard enough time driving with no distractions. In addition, many people are concerned that they will be recorded while someone is wearing the device. Fortunately, Google implemented a feature where there will be an indicator light when someone is using it to record.

If you want to check out some cool comparisons between Sci-Fi (particularly Star Trek) check out these sites:

Photo courtesy of:
El Mundo, Economía y Negocios

Needless to say that besides for a few potential negatives, Google Glass has the potential to be revolutionary. There are so many applications that can be developed for the device the possibilities are limitless.  Imagine being able to spot tagged friends in a crowd at a concert or locating businesses or playing chess by simply using your eyes. From regular games and apps to medical use, Google Glass will change everything!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

'Superman: Man of Steel' Review

I was pretty excited when I learned that there would be a new 'Superman' movie. Although I have never been into comic books or followed the stories, I was always a fan of good superhero movies. While most superhero movies have had modest beginnings, they have changed in recent years. Whether it is through CGI-based graphics or improved prosthetic and special effects art, superhero movies have certainly benefited from modernity.

The last superhero movie I saw before 'Superman: Man of Steel' was 'Iron Man 3' which was a complete departure from the first two of the series (not unlike Superman). However, 'Ironman 3' was a great movie in its own right. Although the story line had taken a slightly different turn, the movie could still be appreciated.
'Superman: Man of Steel' did follow a story line to an extent. The story line however, was lacking. The pieces did not seem to fit that well and they were not easy to follow if you did not follow the original story via the comics. The movie did not flow the way that it should have. There did not seem to be a beginning, middle, and end..just a beginning and an end. 'Superman: Man of Steel' had a few small moments where there was a glimmer of hope. However, that hope did not last long.

Although 'Superman: Man of Steel' was an okay movie it was not even close to meeting my expectations for today's superhero movies. I could not help yawning from the middle of the movie onwards. I couldn't help but think that I could be doing other things. Perhaps I am expecting too much from a movie that has done so little. If I had to sum this movie in one word it would be: lackluster.

-M.S. Johnson

Friday, June 14, 2013

Revisiting Past lives

Many people believe they have lived more than one lifetime. Is this even possible? According to Past life Regressionists it is very probable that many of our issues stem from a past life. One such issue might be a fear of frogs where the person was thrown into a pit of poisonous frogs and left to die. Another might be the long-held belief that men or women will never be there for you.

I have personally discovered that when a person regresses they go back to a time that is pertinent to what they are enduring now. They have a chance to see and feel for themselves what actually happened to them during a specified time period. After knowing and gaining a thorough understanding of an incident that had taken place, they can then move past the issue and move on with their life.

My job as a past life regressionist is to assist with past life journeys. I am also a psychic medium and can energetically follow each client through the door to the past life in question and therefore help them understand why certain situations occurred. This knowledge is then carried back with them into their present life where they can consciously make realistic changes.

Within an hour’s time the client will awaken from the past life with certain aha moments. This is where I know I’ve done my job—when someone thanks me with teary eyes and feels lighter energetically because they have seen what held them back for so long. Sometimes just talking about issues does not alleviate the sadness or fear that goes along with that situation.

One such past life regression that sticks out for me was when I regressed a friend. During this lifetime, her daughter was sexually molested by her own father, my friend’s now ex-husband. In the regression my friend was male and his wife’s father molested his own grandchild. The grandchild during the regression is now my friend’s daughter, once again. Sometimes souls have reoccurring lifetimes to “get it right”. Meanwhile during the regression as the male she killed the man and was hung for it. After wakening my friend just knew that she had been hung in a previous lifetime. Many of the pieces fit together for her and she was finally able to understand why she was repeating certain situations and issues. It was actually relieving for her afterwards.
I find regressions such as these “releasing”. Many clients delve deep to let go of things that have plagued them for years. The next regression I found fascinating was when another client had a past life upon another planet. She was what is called a Pleidian (alien) being. When she began this regression she was confused, but I assured her that I was by her side and that the Angels were also there to help guide her “without fear”. Sometimes fear can override everything and inhibit a regression from moving forward.

With the Angels assistance she was able to understand why she thought men never stuck around and why clients were giving her negative reviews. The regression revealed that her energy was heightening and that the clients she was assisting needed to see another healer. She was too strong energetically for those people! Did I mention that she lived in Ireland? I reside in California and what and wonderful feeling it is to talk through Skype.

I really enjoy the reactions of clients when they come out of a regression excited to move forward with their lives. After the regression I take them to the Divine healers to have crystal grid healing done. It is amazing to see, feel, and gaze upon these magnificent beings as they work upon the person before me.

For a regression please contact me at:

Candy O'Donnell

Don't worry, Smackpress has some cool paranormal stories coming to you soon!

Coming Soon

Don't worry, Smackpress has some cool entertainment stories coming to you soon!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Console Wars: Xbox One vs. PS4

Ah, here we are again, waiting for the return of the newest consoles for the season. We will not mention Nintendo or the Wii. We are going to let them rest in peace (we will deal with that train wreck later). As always, there are Xbox fanboys as well as Playstation. If you ask anyone on either side why their console is better, they will both have valid arguments. However,  with the unveiling of Xbox One, the game is about to change. While the specs are pretty much the same, consumers' decisions will come down to a few things: price, overall game play, privacy, and titles.

After Sony's recent unveiling of the PS4, Microsoft should be extremely worried. The Xbox One's unveiling flopped and Microsoft was very vague on the one thing its consumers really care about;  games.
Sony has upped the ante this time.

Here are some technical specs of both systems and some rumors (& facts) about each console:

Xbox One Specs:

  • Camera- 1080p 
  • x64 8-core AMD cpu
  • 8GB DDR3 RAM
  • 802.11n Wi-Fi
  • 500GB hard drive 
  • HDMI port
  • USB ports (3)

For Xbox One, rumor has is that:

  • The Xbox One will be cloud-based
  • Xbox One will have a blu-ray player
  • Xbox One will be over $400
  • Xbox One will be an entertainment/media hub as well as a game console (although the focus seems to be more toward media than actual game play)
  • Xbox one will have an "always-online" requirement OR it will have to sync with Microsoft's servers at least once every hour
  • Xbox one will require the new Kinect 2 to be connected and always-on, leaving your privacy at risk
  • The Kinect 2 sensor will be much more powerful and have 1080p resolution
  • Xbox one will still be able to monitor everything (visual and audio) even when it is off (even when it is off, you just say the words "Xbox on" and it turns on (proving the point that it is always listening
  • The controller has been redesigned to some extent which is supposed to be more responsive and comfortable
  • It will require a fee to lend games to friends
  • There are restrictions on used games (you may not be able to buy or sell depending on the developer)
  • It will NOT be backwards-compatible
  • Xbox One may not play well with independent developers (meaning they may not allow indie developers to make games for the new console)
  • Xbox one will cater more to the sports crowd (which is great IF you are a sports fan, which I am not)
  • There will be about 15 games released for the console within its first year
  • Sony's (Playstation) stock jumped almost 10% after the Xbox one reveal

PS4 specs:

  • Camera- 1280 x 800
  • x64 8-core AMD Jaguar cpu
  • 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi 
  • Will have a built-in hard drive
  • HDMI port
  • USB ports (3)

For Playstation 4, rumor has it that:

  • The PS4 will not have an always-online requirement
  • The PS4 may also come equipped with a camera sensor
  • The PS4 will be under $400
  • The Playstation Vita will interact with the PS4
  • The PS4 will have  free-to-play games and demos
  • The controller will also include a touch pad and LED lights that alert you to your character’s health status and much more
  • If Sony's servers are down (which they are a lot), you will still be able to play your games in single-player mode
  • Sony's PS4 will have more exclusives than Xbox One (no huge surprise there).
  • The PS4 will have over four times the amount of titles as the Xbox One (to be fair, there was no specified release date so this could be over a period of years as opposed to just the first year)

While new information is still being released on both systems and the specs are relatively similar, it is pretty clear who wins this console war. Although I have been an Xbox fan for a while, I do not like the restrictions that they are placing on their consumers. In addition, I should not have to trade my privacy for a few rounds of 'Halo'. I already have two big brothers, I do not need another one. Instead of naming the console 'Xbox One', perhaps it should have been named 'Prism' (Google it).

-M.S. Johnson

The real cost of travel in 2013

Anyone who has ever traveled knows how much fun it can be. However, it can also be stressful, tiring, and expensive. Over the years, the trend seems to be that people are not getting as much bang for their buck. In this economy you would think that businesses would do anything to gain consumers. Although this is true in some cases, it isn’t always. For example, airlines have gone from “free everything” to “free nothing”. Remember when you were able to get in flight meals and premium snacks (if not free at least it was still available)? Nowadays you cannot purchase any hot meals on board flights even in first class. Sometimes premium snacks are not available so you may have to settle for dry pretzels and a half-cup of flat soda. Flying used to be fun, now it’s just work. From being exposed in the security area of the airport to long delays or sitting on the tarmac for hours traveling can suck!

When my husband and I moved to Las Vegas, we flew out from Newark Airport. We had a layover in Boston at Logan International Airport. As bad as I thought Newark Airport was (after being stripped and all medicine and luggage contents analyzed), Boston took the cake! When we arrived at Logan International Airport, we were unable to find where we needed to go right away, so we asked. We were told to go out of the gate and follow the signs in order to get to the boarding area. As we approached this area I noticed a long line and many people taking out their ids and showing it to TSA. We thought to ourselves “this can’t be real”! There was no way we would have to go through this all over again when we just left Newark Airport! Lo and behold, when we asked the TSA agent if we had to do the whole process over when we just came from another airport, he told us yes. Since we were moving, you can imagine that we had the world in our bags and our four bags (two carry-ons and two personal). It was not fun when we had to go through security in Newark but that was to be expected. However, to have to go through this again during a layover is unthinkable!

Despite being completely against the scanners in airports due to radiation, I went through it in Newark in order to make the process easier . We had eight bags in total (check-in and carry-on) so we needed things to go smoothly. Although I went through the scanner in Newark, I refused to go through it again in the same day so I opted out for the scan at Logan international (there were quite a few people who also refused to be scanned that were standing next to me). After being searched and all of our medicine and liquids checked for a second time in one day, I thought everything was fine. Afterwards, I realized that my husband was not beside me. When I went to go look for him, he was way off to the side just getting his clothes and bags back in order (TSA agents were just finishing up). He told me that  pulled him to the side and completely searched him from top-to-bottom. He was pretty upset at the fact that they kept questioning him and told him that there was something in his back pocket. Despite telling TSA that there was nothing in his back pocket, they insisted. He kept trying to explain to them that he had just left Newark Airport and that there was not way that anything could be wrong. After all, we only left the gate at Logan because that is the way the airport was set up and we had no choice if we wanted to catch our connecting flight. After going back and forth for a while they let him go but the question remains “Why did he have to go through this unnecessarily”?

Was my husbands situation unique? Is it a growing trend industry-wide or just specific to Logan International Airport? While Logan truly is the worst airport (next to LaGuardia Airport) I have ever had the displeasure of using, the lack of customer service is industry-wide (except for many captains and flight attendants). Consumers are paying higher prices for degraded services. From the tacking-on and increase of baggage fees to a 9/11 security fee (and other miscellaneous fees including fuel surcharges), we have been duped. Airlines are closing hubs and laying off workers faster than ever. They are also cutting so many costs that they are still making a hefty profit. Not only are the savings not being passed on to customers, they are always asking for more. There is power in numbers. While many of people must travel for personal or business purposes it is time to demand more. If you think they are not listening, close your wallets, they will surely open their ears.

-M.S. Johnson

Fifth Victim Claimed After Deadly Santa Monica Shooting

Law enforcement announced that the death toll of the horrific Santa Monica shootings rose to 5 on Sunday. During the announcement, police identified the main suspect of the shootings to be a 23 year old male named John Zawahri. Zawahri, previously enrolled at the Santa Monica College in 2010, used an AR-15 automatic assault rifle to make his way nearly a mile down the Santa Monica pier, police officials revealed, firing off more than 1,800 rounds of ammunition as he took the lives of 5 people near the community college.
It was also revealed that two of the victims whom were found approximately 20 blocks from the community college campus were Zawahri’s father, 55 year-old Samir Zawahri as well as his older brother, 24 year old Christopher Zawahri. Reports confirmed that once the suspect had murdered his father and brother he set the house on fire.

The latest victim claimed by the killer came on Sunday as Marcela Dia Franco, a 26 year old, was removed from life support at her hospital in West Los Angeles; Marcela’s 68 year old father, Carlos Navarro Franco was also a victim of the gruesome attack.

According to the report, the shooter began the California shootings with his family before moving toward the college. Witness reports confirm that John Zawahri was clad in all black clothing and carried a duffel bag that contained over 1,800 rounds of ammunition.

After he had had set his father’s home on fire, Zawahri carjacked Debra Fine after shooting her in the arm, shoulder and ear through her vehicle as she attempted to accelerate away. As Fine pretended to be dead, Zawahri took her car and drove toward the Santa Monica community college. Along the way he fired numerous rounds at a city bus, attempting to end the lives of as many Los Angeles residents as he could along the way.

The college is where Zawahri killed the two members of the Franco family who were on campus to buy books for the daughter’s upcoming semester. Once in the campus, Zawahri fired more than 70 rounds at random students who fled as he approached; inside the library Zawahri killed an unidentified woman before three police officers engaged in a gun fight. During the shootout, the three police officers shot Zawahri multiple times ending his life and putting an end to his rampage.

There are many who want to protect gun ownership which is fine. However, laws need  to be made and enforced about guns like this because they are unnecessary and can only destroy. I just wonder when we will stop making excuses for things like this and step up as a nation to protect the innocent from things like this. From Columbine, to Aurora, to Sandy Hook Elementary, we need to do better.

Summer 2013 Fashion Trends As Spring Comes To A Close

It’s hard to believe that there are only a few weeks left until spring is finally over, quite possibly due to half of spring still feeling like winter. Regardless, summer is just around the corner so it’s time to gear up for the warm weather with the hottest fashion trends this year. Whether you’re heading for a beach vacation on the coast or casually walking down the street, here are a few fashion styles you should keep your eye out for so you look the best all summer long:

Coral is the new pink: Okay, nothing will replace pink but this year coral, the warm mix of orange and pink, is making its way onto the market this summer. Whether you add it to your dresses, tops, pants, shoes, or bags, adding a little coral flare will give your entire look a summer glow, perfect for this year’s fashion trend.

Bright is the new back: While coral may stand out as the color you see most often this summer, consider adding a pop to your fashion with a bright punch of neon pink, orange, or yellow. Don’t go overboard, though; this summer will be all about highlight softer tones with small touches of bright color.

Patterns are back: While the spring flowers are well past being in bloom, the summer is bringing plenty of floral patterns to the main stage this year. Not just for your grandmother’s wallpaper anymore, exciting patterns (such as flowers, fruits, and wild shapes) are making a stand this year. Mixing large patterns so it looks intentional instead of an accidental mistake is the key to pulling off mismatched patterns.

Goodbye cocktail, hello peplum: Peplum dresses are very fitted across the entire body except for a small flair around the waist; celebrities have been bringing this cut to the red carpet for a few weeks now and fashion designers are loving the accented but subtle cut, so be prepared to see it taking up a lot of shelf space. Peplum dresses are great for a night out but using a peplum top with a chic pair of leggings can be a classy-casual look for any evening.

Overalls: While they may not be for everyone, overalls are definitely not reserved for just children anymore as they become the latest fashion trend. If you want to keep things extremely easy this summer, toss on a shirt and throw on a pair of overalls and you will be good to go.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are you ready for our site launch?

We almost are. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 10, 2013

The site launch is temporarily postponed

Please bear with us as we work hard to bring you the best in blogging!

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

We will be launching soon!

Stay tuned for our launch!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Join us for our launch in less than two days! June 10, 2013

We are excited to bring you the latest news, trends, and styles. Stay tuned, there is more to come!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


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We will be launching on June 10th!

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