Friday, June 28, 2013

Connecting with Angels

Many believe that angels exist and mingle with humans daily, assisting whenever and where ever they are needed. These divine beings are not only prayed to but are asked to perform miracles when we humans are in need of one. “If you listen closely, you can hear their wings.”

A strong belief in angels varies from culture to culture and society to society. They are divine beings that come to us in dreary times in during pleasant occasions. But do angels really exist? The word angel is from Medieval Latin. The masculine name Angelus derived from the name of this heavenly creature. It comes from the Greek word angelos and means "messenger". These “messengers” bring good tidings and warnings whenever it is warranted.

Angels are depicted as extraordinarily tall beings with long of medium length hair, either male or female, and wear long white robes with a golden or silver robe-belt. Not all angels appear the same way to us humans. They seem to differ according to each situation. A hitch-hiker for example might be an angel in disguise that wishes to relay a message from the afterlife. Or perhaps a child sees angels and can communicate what is being said by them.

Each instance is considered a miracle by some and divine to others. In either case angels can confer with humans at any level. Humans with heightened abilities sense when they are around and listen to their kind words. Some believe that angels are an extension of God and only come when they are called. Whatever you believe, angels are all around us even if you cannot see them.

My personal belief is that angels are always available to us in every situation and in every part of the world. They hear our call and will come in our time of need. The Archangels that are called upon the most are Michael, Metatron, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel. They are asked to provide guidance, protection, and healing. Each angel has their own unique way of communicating and offering themselves for the higher good.
Sometimes I feel the angels surrounding me whenever I am asking them to heal the person I am with or working on energetically. I can actually feel their energy and hear their words telepathically. It’s amazing when they hit on immediate issues that the person needs to hear. St. Michael is the main Archangel I work with and his energy and kind demeanor always points me in the correct direction of how to work with each individual.

Michael is also the most called upon Archangel out there and his love, understanding, and tolerance is sought for those needing protection. He loves children and is always there for them whenever they are afraid. His energy is very strong and one can feel when he is around. During a healing he speaks to me and through me. It is incredible the way his gentleness points out what needs to be immediately addressed.

Call upon an Archangel if you feel any negativity circling around you and it will be removed if you concentrate on positive thoughts. Keep a good attitude about life and life will respond with like kind. This is how energy works. The waves exuding from you go out into the world and others will send back the same vibration so call upon the angels for guidance and they will be happy to assist at any given moment.

~ PsychicMedium Candy O’Donnell

Psychic Paranormal


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